About Us
The emblem of University Sport South Africa (USSA) comprises of the following:
The Protea flower is the emblem for all national teams of South Africa. The flower in full colour symbolises the non-racial youth born from the unified student sports movement in South Africa in 1994. The Protea further reflects the aspiration of South African students to achieve the highest accolade in South African sport, i.e. the Golden Protea awarded to national senior teams.
The five (5) stars beneath the Protea are borrowed from the emblem of the International University Sports Federation (FISU) to which USSA is affiliated. The five stars, like the five Olympic rings of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), symbolises the five continents of the world. The stars are spread on two lines, three (3) above in colours from left to right: blue, black and red, and two (2) below in colours yellow and green.
The green circle which encircles the protea and stars, symbolises unity and portrays USSA as the unified macro sports structure for student sport in South Africa. The emblem further confirms the Organisation's affiliation and commitment to both national and international macro sport structures.