University Sports South Africa
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University Sports South Africa
AerobicsAquaticsArcheryAthleticsBadmintonBasketballBodybuildingBoxingCanoeingCheerleadingChessCricketCross CountryCyclingDance SportDartsDisability SportE-SportsFencingFootballGolfGymnasticsHandballHockeyJudoKarateNetballOrienteeringRowingRugbySnow and Ice SportSoftballSports ClimbingSquashSupa-PoolSurfingTable TennisTaekwondoTennisTriathlonUnderwater SportsVolleyballYachting
Member Institutions

Article 7 of the USSA Constitution determines that USSA's membership shall comprise of Institutions of Higher Education in the Republic of South Africa that have applied and have been admitted to membership upon receipt of their applicable annual membership fees.

Membership may be granted to public and private Institutions of Higher Education that offer academic qualifications at the NQF Level 5 and above and are registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training. Such institutions shall be represented at all official meetings of USSA by not more than two (2) delegates, one of whom shall be a full or part time sports manager, administrator or official in the employ of the member, and one a bona fide student.

Only registered bona fide students of a member of USSA shall be entitled to participate in events or in teams under the jurisdiction of USSA, CUCSA, FASU and FISU.

The membership of USSA for 2025 can be downloaded (.pdf format) from the following link:

University Sports South Africa
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