University Sports South Africa
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University Sports South Africa
AerobicsAquaticsArcheryAthleticsBadmintonBasketballBodybuildingBoxingCanoeingCheerleadingChessCricketCross CountryCyclingDance SportDartsDisability SportE-SportsFencingFootballGolfGymnasticsHandballHockeyJudoKarateNetballOrienteeringRowingRugbySnow and Ice SportSoftballSports ClimbingSquashSupa-PoolSurfingTable TennisTaekwondoTennisTriathlonUnderwater SportsVolleyballYachting


The Constitution of University Sport South Africa (USSA) determines that the membership of USSA shall be composed of Institutions of Higher Education in the Republic of South Africa that have been admitted to membership upon receipt of their applicable annual membership fees (Article 9.1). Higher education is defined as all learning programmes leading to qualifications higher than Grade 12 offered at a public school, or an equivalent qualification in terms of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) contemplated in the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) Act. 58 of 1995. These qualifications would be comparable to university or technical university qualifications (HE Act 101, 1997).

USSA may grant membership to public and private Institutions of Higher Education that offer academic qualifications at the NQF Level 5 and above and are registered with the Department of Higher Education & Training (Articles 9.2).  Membership fees must be paid annually to USSA before 31 March (Article 17.5).  The 2017 membership/affiliation fees for institutions and sport clubs approved by the Heads of Sport Committee on 11 November 2016, are illustrated in the table below.

Less than 5 001 students R6,765 R1,135 per code
5 001 - 10 000 students R8,500 R1,135 per code
10 001 - 15 000 students R10,230 R1,135 per code
15 001 - 20 000 students R11,975 R1,135 per code
20 001 - 25 000 students R13,710 R1,135 per code
More than 25 000 students R15,440 R1,135 per code

Institutions should complete the relevant registration form and return it with their payment to the USSA National Secretariat before 31 March 2017.  A 20% penalty fee of the total amount due to USSA will be levied for all late affiliations received after 31 March (USSA Regulations, Article 3.5.2).


Only students of an affiliated member institution of USSA will be allowed to participate in national and international events organised under the auspices of USSA, the International University Sports Federation (FISU), Federation of Africa University Sports (FASU) and/or the Africa Region 5 Confederation of University and Colleges Sports Association (CUCSA). Only registered bona fide students of member institutions are eligible for selection in national student teams. Only officials and bona fide students of member institutions are eligible to stand for and be elected to portfolios in USSA executive committees. 



The members (institutions) of USSA triennially elect the following committees:
  • National Executive Committee (NEC) of USSA that is responsible for the co-ordination of all USSA activities on a national and international level;
  • Executive Committees for National University Sports Associations (NUSA) responsible for the administration, organisation and coordination of their respective sporting events on national and provincial levels;
  • Provincial Executive Committees (PEC), elected by member institutions in the various provinces, responsible for running viable programmes for institutions in their respective provinces and regions.
The NEC of USSA biennially constitutes eight (8) standing subcommittees to assistance it in it’s work. They are the following:
  • Statutory Supervision Committee
  • Finance and Marketing Committee
  • Development and Transformation Committee
  • International Affairs Committee
  • High Performance Committee
  • Dispute Resolutions Committee
  • Student Forum
  • Bidding and Hosting Committee

The day to day administration of USSA is entrusted to a National Secretariat with its headquarters at the Loftus Versfeld Stadium in the City of Tshwane Pretoria. 
University Sports South Africa
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