USSAWomenUP Campaign - Chrisna Jordaan
Chrisna Jordaan (USSA Gymnastics Chairperson) has always been in sport; playing and participating in different sport types and also on the different levels and positions in sport. ’’My mother always motivated me to do as many sports varieties as possible. Also many of the women in the sport in which I participated encouraged me to continue with sport’’, she said.
She firmly believes that when women succeed in sport, it empowers not only women, but it also shows people of the world that women can also do what men can do. Jordaan does not think that women are disadvantaged, rather, opportunities are not always clearly divided.
‘’I definitely believe that an increase of women in sport is the future of sport. Women are ready to prove that we are just as capable as men in all aspects of life’’, she said. Chrisna has learnt how to work on her own, but also to work as a team. Looking at everyone’s point of view and hearing all options. Sympathy for others, how to lose and patience.
Things that keep her working in the industry are seeing people improve in themselves, her love for coaching and seeing her gymnasts succeed. “Little ones look up at us, we are their role models, even if you do not realise it’’, she said.
Posted by USSA Media on 2019-08-16.